During the month of May, the Weinberg Memorial Library is hosting its annual Faculty Scholarship Exhibit through Thursday May 27 in the Library’s Heritage Room. The exhibit features books, articles, and conference presentation announcements produced by University of Scranton faculty members since 2008. The exhibit, organized by academic department, provides an overview of the diversity and quality of scholarly accomplishments by the University’s faculty. Please take a few minutes to visit the exhibit. For further information please contact Michael Knies, Special Collections Librarian, 570-941-6341.
Tag: Heritage Room
National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month, and, as Fr. Pilarz has pointed out, today, April 29, is designated as the official occasion to celebrate. One way that you could celebrate is by visiting the Heritage Room on the 5th floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library. Enjoy the beautiful paintings by Trevor Southey, but also notice the poetry written on the wall beneath these images. Each quote is from a diffrerent poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins, a 19th century Jesuit poet. You can search The Columbia Granger’s Wold of Poetry to find out which poem each quote comes from. There is a Quick Search on the left-hand side of the page. Type “Gerard Manley Hopkins” in the search box under Poet and click on the Go button. Click on Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844–89) for a list of his poems (my favorite is Pied Beauty) or click on [bio] to access some biographical information.
Game Night 2.0 Was Pretty Awesome
Game Night 2.0 was as successful as version 1.0 back in February! From 8-11 pm, the 5th floor Heritage Room was filled with students.
We had everything.
Trivial Pursuit:
And of course, video games:
Digital Services Librarian Kristen Yarmey-Tylutki and Part Time Reference Librarian Neil Grimes also stopped by to enjoy the fun:
Overall, the night was a success.
This time, we were equipped with a Wii Fit, two Wiis (would the plural of “Wii” be “Woo”?) — one hooked up to Rock Band and the other to Mario Kart. We even had a Sega and an original Nintendo!
Like last time, we had a raffle with fabulous prizes and while the counts aren’t in yet, there were a lot of people that texted us their names and email addresses in order to enter -– the winners will be emailed soon with information on how to claim their $10 Amazon gift cards.
In the end, after all the food was gone, and everyone had cleared out, Public Services Librarians George Aulisio and Donna Mazziotti rocked out to Alanis Morissette on Rock Band:
We asked students if they would want to have another Game Night…
The responses were fairly consistent:
Something tells me there will be a Game Night 3.0. Keep your eyes out for it.
Wii Want you @ the Library
In Celebration of National Library Week…
The Weinberg Memorial Library will be hosting its second ever Library Gaming Night on Monday, April 12th.
Due to the success of the first gaming night held on Mardi Gras, we have decided to expand. This time there will be more gaming systems and more food.
All students are welcome to join us in the Heritage Room (5th floor) to Play Games, Eat Food, Enter our Raffle for Gift Cards, and/or just come to hang out with your friends.
The event starts at 8pm and will go on til 11pm.
See you Monday!
Library Love on Mardi Gras
Thank you all for making our first gaming night at the library a big success! Last night, at least 65 students came by the 5th floor Heritage Room to eat wings and pizza, and get their game on.
Games that got the most play include Super Smash Brothers and the Wii Fit — even the classic game Scattegories got in on the action.
There was also a raffle, which 67 students entered. There were three $10 Amazon gift cards awarded as prizes. The winners of the raffle drawing are:
Dan Parisi (Senior)
Devin Patel (Junior)
James Costello (Senior)
Winners will be notified via email of how and where to pick up your prizes.
We got enough positive feedback to know that gaming night is something we should do on a regular basis. So, we can all look forward to another gaming night in the library, since this one was such a hit.
But, by far, the best part of Mardi Gras at the Library was all of the *library love* we got from everyone who participated. Thanks for the great feedback guys, and we can’t wait for the next one!
(A special shout-out to the Center for Health and Education Wellness for lending us the games, and to our very own Bonnie Oldham and George Aulisio for planning this awesome event. For more coverage of Mardi Gras at the Library, including photos, check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/UofSLibrary.)
Mardi Gras at the Library!
This Tuesday night (Feb 16) from 8pm to 11pm the Library will be hosting a gaming night for Scranton students.
Students will have the entire Heritage Room to themselves to kick back, socialize, eat, and play some games!
There will be three Wii consoles on three different televisions and students will have the option to play Mario Kart, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, and Rock Band. For those students who prefer classic gaming over video gaming there will also be various board games set up along the room.
Not yet intrigued?
What if the Library throws in Pizza, Wings, Soda, Chips, and Candy in the mix for you!
Still not enough?
OK, OK. How about three $10 Amazon gift cards that every student who shows up has a chance of winning regardless of one’s gaming skills?
We figured that would get your attention! See you at the Library!
Book Sale 2010: The Preparations Begin
We’re T-minus 73 days to the kickoff of Book & Plant Sale 2010, and the Library staff is already busy getting ready for our biggest annual event. Clear your calendar for April 24 and 25, since this year’s sale promises to be one of our best yet.
The Library has started collecting donations of used hardcover and paperback books, along with videos, CDs, records, and tag sale items. If you’re doing some early spring cleaning and would like to donate, please drop off your contributions in the donation boxes at our Monroe Ave entrance.
Recruitment of this year’s class of volunteers has also begun. We’re looking for students, patrons, and friends of the Library to help us price, organize, and sell our books. Give Barb E. a call at 570-941-4078 and let her know what times you’re available.
And in the meantime, feel free to start thinking about where you’ll start your browsing when the doors open. Cookbooks? Nonfiction? Barb’s famous “Special Treasures”? The fragrant flowering plants? Whichever section catches your eye, shop with a happy heart, knowing that your purchases benefit the Friends of the Library endowment fund and support the collections and services of the Weinberg Memorial Library.
Samuel Johnson Exhibit
This Fall, the Weinberg Memorial Library is proud to host “Scarce Books and Elegant Editions,” a collection of rare books by and about Samuel Johnson and James Boswell from the Edward R. Leahy Collection, in celebration of the 300th birthday of Samuel Johnson.
Samuel Johnson, best known for his Dictionary of the English Language, is often considered the most important English prose writer of the middle and late 18th century. He was also the subject of what has been called the first truly modern biography, written by James Boswell. On display in the 5th floor Heritage Room are rare editions of Johnson and Boswell works, as well as items and autographed letters by or about both authors.
The exhibit will run until December 11. An opening reception, featuring a talk by Edward R. Leahy ’68 about the collection, will be held on October 7 at 7:30pm in the Heritage Room.
Farewell, Professor Ramos!
Today, the Library faculty and staff gathered to celebrate the retirement of Asst. Professor Donna Ramos, who has been the Weinberg Memorial Library’s cataloging librarian for 35 years. At the luncheon, Library Dean Charles Kratz and Library Chair Betsey Moylan spoke about Donna’s commitment and dedication to her work. Prof. Ramos was also presented with the “Ramos Gate,” a tribute to cataloging, retirement, and gardening handmade by Library staff member Barb Evans and a team of Library student workers, as well as an official University of Scranton chair.
We hope that Prof. Ramos will now have plenty of time to work in her garden, even though she will be greatly missed by the entire Weinberg Memorial Library family.
Faculty Scholarship Month
The Faculty Scholarship Exhibit is now open at the Weinberg Memorial Library Heritage Room, on the 5th floor of the library, through the end of May. If you think you had a difficult time with your recent paper, (you did finish that paper, right?!) just think about what the faculty have to go through. After a thorough review of the literature, and months of research, faculty face that blank page the same as you, but their profession is on the line. Faculty submit carefully researched and written papers to a panel of colleagues at selected academic or scholarly journals, or publishing houses. These “readers” carefully scour the articles for any errors, in research, or in grammar. They send articles back for corrections, or in some cases, totally reject the papers. After lots of hard work, it can be a very frustrating experience to have your work rejected. Faculty then make the corrections and resubmit their papers, and hopefully the paper will be published in a forthcoming edition. Sometimes the papers are again corrected and returned for more editing. It can be a time consuming experience. The successes of the past few years are on display! Come take a look and congratulate your favorite faculty author. See you in the Heritage Room!