Gamers know best…

The Library plans to host another Gaming night during the Spring Semester and this time we would like to know what works best for you.

By taking the following extremely short survey, the Library can plan what Month and Day of the week would best suit our Student’s schedules.

We are also looking for feedback and suggestions, so if you have any ideas please add it to the comment boxes.

The survey will probably take you less than a minute to complete and here it is:

Fabric Recycling Drive

If you have any old and used fabric that you are looking to get rid of…

The Friends of the Poor is sponsoring a Recyclable Fabric Drive.

They are accepting old, used, torn, stained, and tattered fabric items, which include: Clothings, Shoes, Boots, Outerwear, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Towels, Curtains, Tablecloths, Bedspreads, Back-packs, Purses, Belts, Socks, Hates, Gloves, Stuffed animals, Area rugs, etc..

The Drop off location is at:

Our Lady of Peace Parking Lot

University Ave (Marywood U. Campus)

Scranton, PA

Come by on:

Thursday November 4, from 8am to 5pm

Friday, November 5, from 8am to 5pm

Satuday, November 6, from 8am to 5pm

Sunday, November 7, from Noon to 3pm

Academic Integrity… Still an Issue

Academic Integrity is the main ethical question when doing research, having a class assignment, and publishing. This issue, which is certainly not a new one, has recently gone through a resurgence in the media with articles and editorials in the New York Times and discussions occurring in many scholarly circles, as well.

It’s been assumed that the resurgence of this issue is likely due to the internet, the ease at which information is acquired, and the way people process information today.

Those who do infringe could probably fit into a few different categories, ranging from those that know they are cheating and do it anyway to those who don’t know they are doing something wrong because they don’t know the rules to those who use other’s ideas by accident.

There are lots of ways to combat wrongful practices in scholarship, traditionally this has included harsh penalties for those caught cheating.

It is probably true that these penalties are still needed as a deterrent to those individuals who will cheat even though they know it is unethical. However, another way to combat these ethical issues are to educate students of the issues.

Personally, I like the latter solution the best because it is proactive. Educating students of the issues of Academic Integrity, what is considered a violation, and what is allowed is an excellent way of curbing cheating and an excellent way to put these issues in the forefront of a student’s mind when they are doing their assignments.

A good education on Scholarly Ethics and Academic Integrity would involve more than a paragraph on a syllabus or an explanation of the penalties that are given for each violation. Rather, the better approach is the integrate the ethics of research and the issues into the classroom.

For example when discussing a term paper, explain the importance of original ideas, explain why you would use in order to check a paper for accidental plagiarism, and why using correct citations helps to facilitate scholarly communication.

There are an unlimited number of ways Academic Integrity could be integrated into the classroom. With each new creative way to teach Academic Integrity we will see more and more  students who are conscious of the issues; until eventually Academic Integrity will hardly be an issue at all.

Student TechCon Position Open

Interested in working at the library? At the Weinberg Memorial Library you can earn valuable work experience and enhance your skills in a variety of different ways.

Weinberg Memorial Library

Currently, the Weinberg Memorial Library currently has an open Student TechCon position:

Library Outreach TechCon

This TechCon supports the Library’s Public Services initiatives and reports to the Library’s Evening Public Services Librarian, George Aulisio.

Afternoon, evening, and some weekend hours available.

Job responsibilities for this position include:

  • Publicizing Library events and services using the Library’s social media presence (with regular postings to the Library’s blog, Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter accounts).
  • Researching the usage of social media tools at other libraries.
  • Preparing informational slides, images, and video for the Library’s new television displays.
  • Photographing Library events and activities.
  • Assisting the Public Services Librarians in planning outreach activities.
    • Potential projects include gaming events and Earth Week.
    • Assisting the Digital Services Librarian and Digitization TechCon in promoting digital collections.
    • Assisting with other special projects as needed.

Preferred qualifications for this position include:

  • Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, and Powerpoint
  • Familiarity with Mac operating system and software
  • Experience with audio/video editing and graphic design
  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Familiarity with social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, and with current social media trends and culture

Students interested should send an email to with information on their interest in this position. Please address any qualifications or interests you have that match-up with the description. Also, if you feel that you skills that you believe would be relevant to this position, but are not addressed in the description please elaborate on them.

PaLA Awards Nomination Deadline Quickly Approaching!!!

Come August 15th it’ll already be too late to nominate your favorite librarian for an award, so it’s best you do it now!

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2010


  • Distinguished Service Award: Highest award the associate gives. It may be awarded annually to one person in recognition of exceptional meritorious service to libraries of the Commonwealth.
  • Certificates of Merit: These are awarded to individuals making outstanding contributions during the last five years in Pennsylvania.
  • Elected Official Award: This award may be given annually to an elected official or officials for exemplary support of library service in Pennsylvania.
  • New Librarian Honors Award: Honors a librarian who has been in the profession fewer than six years. It recognizes the originality and inventive ability of a new librarian who devises new and improved methods in library service on a statewide or local level.
  • Trustee of the Year Award: Presented to a public library trustee in recognition of outstanding leadership and service to library development at the local, system, district, and/or state level.
  • Library Support Staff Recognition Award: This award is presented to a library that has consistently encouraged and supported participation in career development activities, particularly those of PaLA for the support staff in Pennsylvania libraries. Nominations should be in the form of a statement of the library’s activities. (A little clarification on this award: It is presented to a library not to a staff member. Does your library provide you with opportunities to develop your library skills through continuing education opportunities? Does your library allow you to attend PaLA conferences and Chapter Meetings as a Support Staff member? Does your library provide you with opportunities to take classes on library related activities or in areas which you can use on the job? Then tell us how that support helps you on your job and give a little recognition to your library.

Nominating is now easier than ever, thanks to the new online form.

2010 Award Nomination Form

Simply fill it out and click submit… It’s that easy!

Pennsylvania Library Association Award Nominations

The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) presents six different awards to librarians and library supporters throughout the state at the PaLA Annual Conference. This is your chance to recognize that new librarian on the block, your outstanding public library trustee, an elected official who has advocated for libraries in hard times, or any individual who has made an outstanding contribution to libraries in PA during the last five years. You can even honor a library that has consistently encouraged its support staff to participate in career development by nominating them for the Library Support Staff Recognition Award!

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2010

Download the 2010 Award Nomination Form


  • Distinguished Service Award: Highest award the associate gives. It may be awarded annually to one person in recognition of exceptional meritorious service to libraries of the Commonwealth.
  • Certificates of Merit: These are awarded to individuals making outstanding contributions during the last five years in Pennsylvania.
  • Elected Official Award: This award may be given annually to an elected official or officials for exemplary support of library service in Pennsylvania.
  • New Librarian Honors Award: Honors a librarian who has been in the profession fewer than six years. It recognizes the originality and inventive ability of a new librarian who devises new and improved methods in library service on a statewide or local level.
  • Trustee of the Year Award: Presented to a public library trustee in recognition of outstanding leadership and service to library development at the local, system, district, and/or state level.
  • Library Support Staff Recognition Award: This award is presented to a library that has consistently encouraged and supported participation in career development activities, particularly those of PaLA for the support staff in Pennsylvania libraries. Nominations should be in the form of a statement of the library’s activities. (A little clarification on this award: It is presented to a library not to a staff member. Does your library provide you with opportunities to develop your library skills through continuing education opportunities? Does your library allow you to attend PaLA conferences and Chapter Meetings as a Support Staff member? Does your library provide you with opportunities to take classes on library related activities or in areas which you can use on the job? Then tell us how that support helps you on your job and give a little recognition to your library.

Nominating is easy! All you have to do is:
1. Complete the PDF form found at

Download the 2010 Award Nomination Form

(or include the information on the form with your email or mailed submission)

2. Email it to or snail mail it to Erin Dorney, Outreach Librarian, Millersville University Library, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551-0302.

Have questions? Contact 2010 Awards Chair Erin Dorney ( / 717-872-3617) at any time!

We hope you’ll consider submitting a nomination before the deadline of August 15th, 2010.

Web Surfing Made Simple

While surfing the Web I came across a website which makes focusing on your work all that much more difficult.

StumbleUpon is a website which leads you to other websites.

The webpages you stumble upon could range from Government Fact Sheets, National Geographic Images, YouTube Videos, Flash Games, News Articles, Blog posts, just about anything you can imagine.

My first result was a great set of images which help to scale galactic objects in comparison to one another…

After that I stumbled on a game where you try to tranquilize sheep running from your herd.

Then an extremely interesting video from YouTube.

Lastly, a photo of Earth at Night from NASA.

You do not need to sign-up in order to use this site, but for people who do a lot of surfing I would suggest making a free account. Account members can chose what kinds of websites they most frequently enjoy. As you are lead to a new site you can decide if you Like or Dislike the site. The more you rate websites the more likely you are to be lead to sites that you’ll enjoy.

Happy stumbling!

Wii Want you @ the Library

In Celebration of National Library Week…

The Weinberg Memorial Library will be hosting its second ever Library Gaming Night on Monday, April 12th.

Due to the success of the first gaming night held on Mardi Gras, we have decided to expand. This time there will be more gaming systems and more food.

All students are welcome to join us in the Heritage Room (5th floor) to Play Games, Eat Food, Enter our Raffle for Gift Cards, and/or just come to hang out with your friends.

The event starts at 8pm and will go on til 11pm.

See you Monday!

Free Rice

What’s more fun than playing a game?

Free Rice

Playing a game that matters… is a multiple choice website which quizzes your general knowledge.

People spend hours wasting their time on games similar to this one, but the difference here is…

When you answer correctly on a Sponsor pays for a donation of Rice to the UN World Food Programme.

The more you play, the more you get correct, the more rice gets donated.

According to FreeRice’s FAQ section, FreeRice has:

Fed 27,000 Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh.
Provided take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women in Cambodia.
Fed 66,000 school children in Uganda for a week.
Fed over 108,000 Bhutanese refugees for three days in Nepal.
Fed 41,000 children for 8 days in Bhutan.
Fed 750,000 cyclone affected people for 3 days in Myanmar.

The website defaults to English Vocabulary words, but you can click on Subjects at the top of the page to change it to something more to your liking, such as: Famous Paintings, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, German, French, Italian, and Spanish.

If you are going to burn time on the internet doing something similar, why not do it here? I guarantee if you spend an hour at this website you’ll feel a lot better than you would if you spent an hour at another website.

Indie Magazines for Everyone


One of my favorite websites to kill some time on is Issuu.

Issuu is a website which allows you to “Publish yourself.”

I think it’s pretty cool that you can publish your own work on this website, but that is not the reason why I enjoy it so much.

Issuu has a large collection of magazines which are all free for you to peruse. The only difference is that these magazines are not the ones that you usually see at the grocery store.

Because Issuu is free to publish on, a lot of magazines which are not mass-produced and are uber-popular in America use it to increase their readership.

The magazines are mostly Independent, Student run, or from outside the U.S.A. The content of these magazines ranges from Poetry, Photography, Art, Graphic Design, Film Reviews, Popular Culture, just about everything…

Issuu is a great way to get your daily dose of culture and to read something a little different for a change.

Check it out at