If you’re either a student here at the U or a regular reader of Infospot, you know all about our new 1st floor 24-hour study space. Starting today, that new space has one less blank wall.

This fall, the Weinberg Memorial Library partnered with the University’s Photography Club on a collaborative project to market our text messaging reference service. Members of the Club took photographs of fellow University of Scranton students text messaging and then submitted them to us for review. We chose our five favorite photographs to use for our marketing campaign – but since there were so many other great photographs, we decided to host a Photography Club gallery here at the Library.

So the next time you’re in the building, stop by the 1st floor group study rooms to find 9 gorgeous photographs celebrating text messaging, all thanks to our Photography Club contributors: James Benfante, Anna Heckman, Sarah Prandy, Aimee Miller, Gillian Naro, and Jon Danforth. We’d also like to extend an extra thank you to Jon, who is both the Vice President of the Photography Club and one of our Library TechCons, for coordinating the gallery.
Student photographs, like this one by James Benfante, will be used to market the Library’s text messaging reference service